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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions .. but don’t get distracted

Shopping for a new home can be overwhelming!  There are many things to consider.  If you focus on the key features, you will be able to choose the right home that’s the right size.

  • Sight Lines  – Are you wanting an open floor plan where you can see the family/living room from the kitchen?   Open floor plans feel larger than they really are.
  • Room Placement – Do you prefer the Master Bedroom located a comfortable distance away from the noisier parts of the home?  Are you looking for a true sanctuary to retreat to?  Or is the goal togetherness, such as kitchens that don’t isolate the person preparing the meal.  The relative placement of rooms plays a major role in how a home lives.
  • Traffic Patterns – The success of a floor plan isn’t judged by how it looks when you’re standing still or seated.  It’s how you move through it! The key is to avoid traffic patterns that interfere with the intended use of the room.  How easily can you move through the home you’re looking at?  How many points of entry to the kitchen are there?
  • Windows and Light – Used in the right number and proportion, windows breath life into a home.  Aside form the practical benefits of fresh air and natural light, properly placed windows create a relationship with the exterior environment that enhances the indoor experience as well.  Windows can be as much a part of the interior design as wallpaper and tile floors.  They also play a significant role in a room’s perceived size.
  • Choice – Does the builder give you the choice to make changes?  Some builders will make modifications to their floor plans.  One builder allows for the removal of a wall to make a much larger Master Retreat.  However, another does not allow for any changes.  This is very important to know and understand when starting the design process.
  • Distractions – When you enter a Model Home, it’s designed to show you the best use of the home using the most updated styles.  However, you could walk into a Model Home and hate the color scheme the designer chose.  Don’t get distracted.  You may hate the shade of blue on the wall, but if the overall flow of the house works for you, then you may have just found your next home.

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